Once any block paving has been laid, it is really important for us to seal it. This is going to protect your patio or driveway from the bad weather, it will stop weeds growing through and will not be ruined if by some chance, your car has an oil leak while it is parked on your driveway. It will be waterproof as well as being easy to maintain once the sealant has been applied.

Advantages to having your patio sealed:

  • Protects against loss of colour from UV light
  • Solidifies jointing sand, inhibiting weed growth and loss of sand from joints
  • Waterproof’s paving, restricting surfaces growth of algae’s and lichens
  • Oil resistant
  • Enhances natural colours
  • Increased lifespan
  • Easier maintenance

Disadvantages to not having your patio sealed:

  • Loss of colour
  • Weeds in the joints
  • Oil stains
  • Moss, algae and lichen growth

For more information about this service, please contact Allison Paving today.

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